The EVS European Youth Card Awards is your stage to shine! Tell your story, inspire other young people to be mobile and active and win a great trip for two in Athens, Greece or Larnaca, Cyprus.
Here’s what you need to do. Take out your mobile or camera and film a 60 second video telling the world what you’ve worked on during your EVS, how you’ve made a difference, what you’ve learned, how it’s helped you, and why others should get involved as well. Upload your video in the ‘Participate’ section and share it far and wide.
The two most inspirational stories, as voted by the public, win! The volunteers whose videos have the highest number of likes on May 15, 2015 will go to Athens or Larnaca for an all-inclusive weekend trip for two.
You have until May 15. Start right now!
The trip to Athens is sponsored by Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation and European Youth Card Greece!
The votes are in!
Meet the winners of the 2015 EVS European Youth Card Awards HERE