DroneUniversity | europeanyouthcard


Address: Tsiller 61, 11144, Ano Patisia, Athens

Phone: 6944643048, info@droneuniversity.gr


Category: ,

Website: www.droneuniversity.gr


  • Training of SMIEA Operators categories A1 and A3 at the price of 30 euros from an initial price of 49 euros.
  • Training of SMIEA Operators categories A2 at the price of 120 euros from an initial price of 159 euros.
  • Operator training of categories A1 / A3 & A2 at the price of 140 euros from an initial price of 179 euros. Training of SMIEA Operators categories A1 and A3 in combination with a one-year subscription to an online video editing platform at the price of 55 euros from an initial price of 80 euros.
  • Training of SMIEA category A2 Operators in combination with a one-year subscription to an online video editing platform at the price of 149 euros from an initial price of 179 euros.
  • Training of Operators categories A1 / A3 and A2 in combination with a one-year subscription to an online video editing platform at the price of 159 euros from the initial price of 195 euros.