The Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation assists the important work of Hatzikyriakio Childcare Institution! | europeanyouthcard

The Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation assists the important work of Hatzikyriakio Childcare Institution!

As part of the annualy Christmas donations, Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation offered the European Youth Card to the girls hosted at Hatzikyriakio Childcare Institution.

The Institution hosts girls from the age of 6, coming from families with serious social and financial problems and offers, in addition to accommodation, care and emotional support as well as great educational opportunities in order to learn how to live as adults in a modern society.

The European Youth Card supports young people in the country, as it ensures privileged access to a variety of economic, social and cultural activities. Giving priority to those most in need, we hope that this symbolic gesture will significantly facilitate the daily lives of girls hosted at Hatzikyriakio Childcare Institution.







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